You and your fellow Heroes must work as a team to succeed in the adventures that unfold within the castle. You either win together or lose together.
Each player selects a Hero, who has come to Barovia to discover the secrets of Castle Ravenloft. Choose from the Dragonborn Fighter, Human Rogue, Dwarf Cleric, Eladrin Wizard, and Human Ranger. Heroes explore the dungeons beneath the castle, solve mysteries, fight Monsters, and uncover magic treasure.
The game runs the Traps, Events, Monsters, and Villains contained within the halls of Castle Ravenloft (with a little help from you).
Nerd Castle
Dungeons & Dragons ~ Castle Ravenloft
Dungeons & Dragons ~ Castle Ravenloft
Str Agricultori Nr 22B
Str Agricultori Nr 22B
070000 Buftea IF