Perfect as a toy or decoration. Flexible and 3D printed.
Discover the rural charm with this unique pig, created through 3D printing and equipped with movable joints.
This product is printed on demand, so certain aspects such as size or color can be customized according to your needs.
Disclaimer: Some pictures may depict the product painted or treated in some way. Any treatment or finish remains at the discretion of the customer.
Technical Information:
- Dimensions: 80 x 70.6 x 16.6
- Layer Height/Width: 0.12mm/0.2mm
- Material: PLA+
Nerd Castle 3D
Porcusor Articulat
Porcusor Articulat
Str Agricultori Nr 22B
Str Agricultori Nr 22B
070000 Buftea IF